The following is a glossary of brief definitions of a number of terms regularly used in C&O reports:
Cordon: A cordon presents an area or a line network made up of a number of screenlines which completely enclose the specific area or district. “Lines” are composed of a collection of screenlines joined to produce a longer screenline used to separate/isolate a specific area or district from another.
Screenline: A screenline (e.g. LN02, LN10) is made up of a number of stations placed to count east west or north south travel which in total capture all major travel routes across the imaginary screenline. The screenlines are located along geographical barriers, i.e.: rivers, greenbelt. Generally where a number of major transportation facilities are the main flow. To be truly representative of the flow, there is a station at each intersecting road, transit, and bike/walkway path on the screenline.
Station: Stations are located along a screenline wherever counts are conducted, usually located where roads, transitways and bike/walkways cross the screenline.
Inbound: All traffic moving toward the Central Business District (CBD) is inbound.
Outbound: All traffic moving away from the CBD is outbound.
Peak Hour: The peak hour, consisting of 4 consecutive 15 minutes count intervals, is the hour in a day experiencing the most traffic. This hour may vary by screenline station.
Peak Period: The peak period, consisting of 10 consecutive 15 minutes count intervals, representing the 2.5-hr period each day experiencing the most traffic. This period may vary by screenline station.
12 hrs: Traffic counts are recorded at each screenline station for a 12-hour interval, spanning from 7:00 am to 7:00 pm.