Transportation planning is crucial to providing routes and services on which people rely. Reliable data is essential to good planning. Through the administration of a number of travel surveys – the Origin-Destination (O-D) survey, the External Travel Survey, Interprovincial Roadside Truck Survey and the Special Generators Survey – the TRANS committee provides exactly that. These travel surveys provide information about the travel patterns of key generators throughout the National Capital Region (NCR):
- The O-D survey collects information on the trip patterns of residents of the NCR.
- The External Travel Survey compliments the results of the OD survey by discerning information on trips originating in or destined to regions outside the NCR.
- The Interprovincial Roadside Truck Survey further details the analysis on NCR travel patterns by explaining the contribution of freight transport.
- The 2009 TRANS Trip Generation
- The Special Generators Survey collects comprehensive data on trip patterns from big generators such as universities, sporting venues, and entertainment centres.
Together, these travel surveys work together to paint a detailed picture of travel patterns in the NCR, and provide solid basis upon which further transportation planning work can take place.